Data Collection And Analysis Is The Key To An Effective Climate Strategy
By Stuart Lunn Sales Manager,
We’re on the brink of a climate catastrophe. It’s not really news, so I’ll spare you the frightening details of how warm our planet’s set to become, or how quickly time is running out. But I will say this: we all need to act.
It’s easier said than done, though. It can be difficult to know where to begin, or what behaviour to change. There’s the obvious things, like cutting out single-use plastics, or driving less and cycling more. We’ve been told what we, as individuals, can do to make a change. But it’s not always as simple to make large-scale changes as a business or organisation.
Of course, the underlying cause of climate change is greenhouse gas emissions. And when we burn fossil fuels to generate energy, these harmful gases are emitted. It follows, then, that energy wastage and over-consumption play a starring role in the climate crisis. If we over-consume energy, more needs to be generated. But if we limit energy usage to only that which is necessary, the amount of energy produced is reduced in consequence.
Energy consumption is something businesses and organisations should be mindful of. In fact, any business that seriously wants to achieve a reduction in their carbon footprint needs to dedicate themselves to an energy management plan.
But it can be difficult to know where to start. It’s not always clear where and how energy usage can be limited, and this fact can complicate a business’s implementation of its climate strategy. A company can vow to reduce its carbon footprint, but if it doesn’t know where it’s wasting electricity or fuel, how can meaningful changes be made? It’s as the saying goes: you cannot improve what you do not measure.
I believe that data collection and analysis is the key to an effective climate strategy. But merely collecting data isn’t enough — nor is it necessarily helpful for some businesses. A bunch of meaningless numbers and uninterpretable factoids won’t bring organisations any closer to their environmental goals. You don’t have the time to be sifting through metre readings, unable to make heads or tails of the numbers you’ve been given.
You need helpful, actionable data.
This is something Izon recognised a while back. We’ve built an energy management platform that does all the hard work for businesses. We turn live data into information that actually helps you make quick decisions.
The Izon asset management platform provides users with useful, real-time data at a glance. Data from all assets is localised on one platform – in fact, on a single screen – making asset monitoring and energy management easier than it’s ever been. And the Izon asset management platform doesn’t discriminate. No matter how big or small the assets, whether it’s an office’s HVAC system or an entire farm of wind turbines, Izon gathers all the data in one place.
The beauty of the Izon platform is that it’s completely customisable — making it a tool that can be used by any business, no matter the industry or sector. Izon users can build a dashboard that works for them, a centralised location that showcases data tailored to business needs.
For businesses or organisations with various remote assets, the streamlined approach of Izon is particularly appealing. We’ve helped clients like Granville Energy and Sea Source meet regulatory and sustainability requirements, building these two wildly different organisations an asset management solution that caters to their specific business needs. Izon works to understand its clients. We learn what businesses do and how they operate in order to build them a platform that shows them the information they actually need.
We’re also driven by results, and that fact is reflected in our software. The Izon platform makes immediate action possible, enabling businesses to be at the forefront of the battle against climate change, leading the pack. Insight provides the foundations for action, helping businesses and organisations to drive change in their respective industries.
You can’t change what you don’t know. It’s time to take that first step towards knowing where your business is unsustainable, limiting energy waste, and reducing your organisation’s carbon footprint.
Realistically the first step is to have a demonstration. We know the sustainability journey can seem daunting, and how you traverse this is far from clear. We are always open to help advise, and show the possibilities that are open to you, which extend far beyond simple regulatory compliance.